Chinese characters image


Chinese Idiom (proverb or word)

Chinese pinyin: Q       English keyword: C

Extremely complicated and difficult to figure out

Chinese Idiom: Extremely complicated and difficult to figure out

Chinese pinyin: qian1 tou2 wan4 xu4
Keyword: complex

To download the large images in six different Chinese scripts of the Chinese proverb or word for "Extremely complicated and difficult to figure out", please order the proverb or word below. You can download the Chinese characters right away after checkout (no shipping charge). It is only .

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Image Information

The Chinese idiom shown above is in the standard style and the simplified form. The size of the image for the Chinese characters is reduced. You will get the following with your order:

    Chinese characters in large images (png/gif, 300 dpi).
    Both the traditional and simplified forms of the name included.
    Chinese characters in six different styles.
    Total 11 images included for the six styles and two forms.
    All images in a zip file downloadable right away.

Meanings and sound files not included, will be sent by email if ordered.
View samples of the Chinese characters.

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