Chinese characters


Chinese Chop
name stamp square yang
Square Yang
name stamp square female
Square Yin
name stamp round male
Round Yang
name stamp round female
Round Yin
Standard Script
name stamp square male kai style
Square Yang
name stamp square yin kai style
Square Yin
name stamp round male kai style
Round Yang
name stamp round yin kai style
Round Yin

Chinese Name Meanings

Want to get the detailed meanings of a Chinese name, you are at the right place. We are specialized in Chinese names, Chinese characters and the translation of English names. You can get your authentic Chinese name based on your English name or the meanings of your Chinese name here.

Chinese names are composed of Chinese characters or Chinese symbols. Each character usually has one or more meanings so it is important to choose the right Chinese characters for a Chinese name and to learn some Chinese name culture.

If you already have a Chinese name and want to find out the meanings of the Chinese characters for the name, please use the form below to order. The sound files of the Chinese characters will be also included.

Meanings and sound files of Chinese name

Enter the name in Chinese (one name please):

If you have the Chinese name in image, please email it to us. Just put 'will send image' in the field above.



If you don't have a Chinese name yet, please check out the Chinese name list. If the name you are looking for is not on our list, you can get it here.

Frameable Chinese Name
Personal Chinese Chop for a Name

Chinese Name Culture
Questions About Chinese Names

Chinese Characters and What They Mean