Chinese characters


Sample Symbols

We have been creating Chinese names and Chinese characters since 2003. The samples shown below are our standard size images. If you need extra large high resolution images, please order them on this page.

Image Information

    Chinese characters in large images (png/gif, 300 dpi);
    Both the traditional and simplified forms of the characters included;
    Chinese characters in six different styles so you can use the one you like;
    Total 11 images included for the six styles and two forms;
    All images in a zip file downloadable right away;

If you need help with the PNG images or the zip file, please see Help. There is a readme.txt file included in the zip file downloaded, please read it.

Below are the links to the samples. You can view the actual size of the characters included in the zip file here. Click the links below to see the large images .

1, Kaiti -- the standard Chinese character
love kaiti

2, Caoshu -- cursive hand script
love caoshu

3, Shaoer -- children script
love shaoer

4, Lishu -- official script
love lishu

5, Weibei -- tablet script of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386 - 534)
love weibei

6, Xiaozhuan -- seal script developed in the Qin Dynasty (BC 221 - BC 207)
love xiaozhuan