Chinese characters


Chinese Animal Sign

To get your animal sign birthday stamp, you need to find your Chinese animal sign first if you don't know it yet. It is easy to find your animal sign using the charts below. Just find the sign in which your birthday falls. For example, if the birthday is on 3/8/1996, the animal sign will be Rat since it is between 2/19/1996 - 2/06/1997. Once you know the animal sign, just click the animal sign to order the birthday stamp (chop).

1, Rat (Mouse) -- the first animal sign

animal sign rat 02/05/1924 - 01/23/1925
01/24/1936 - 02/10/1937
02/10/1948 - 01/28/1949
01/28/1960 - 02/14/1961
02/15/1972 - 02/02/1973
02/02/1984 - 02/19/1985
02/19/1996 - 02/06/1997
02/07/2008 - 01/25/2009

2, Ox

animal sign rat 01/24/1925 - 02/12/1926
02/11/1937 - 01/30/1938
01/29/1949 - 02/16/1950
02/15/1961 - 02/04/1962
02/03/1973 - 01/22/1974
02/20/1985 - 02/08/1986
02/07/1997 - 01/27/1998
01/26/2009 - 02/13/2010

3, Tiger

animal sign rat 02/13/1926 - 02/01/1927
01/31/1938 - 02/18/1939
02/17/1950 - 02/05/1951
02/05/1962 - 01/24/1963
01/23/1974 - 02/10/1975
02/09/1986 - 01/28/1987
01/28/1998 - 02/15/1999
02/14/2010 - 02/02/2011

4, Rabbit

animal sign rat 02/02/1927 - 01/22/1928
02/19/1939 - 02/07/1940
02/06/1951 - 01/26/1952
01/25/1963 - 02/12/1964
02/11/1975 - 01/30/1976
01/29/1987 - 02/16/1988
02/16/1999 - 02/04/2000
02/03/2011 - 01/22/2012

5, Dragon

animal sign rat 01/23/1928 - 02/09/1929
02/08/1940 - 01/26/1941
01/27/1952 - 02/13/1953
02/13/1964 - 02/01/1965
01/31/1976 - 02/17/1977
02/17/1988 - 02/05/1989
02/05/2000 - 01/23/2001
01/23/2012 - 02/09/2013

6, Snake

animal sign rat 02/10/1929 - 01/29/1930
01/27/1941 - 02/14/1942
02/14/1953 - 02/02/1954
02/02/1965 - 01/20/1966
02/18/1977 - 02/06/1978
02/06/1989 - 01/26/1990
01/24/2001 - 02/11/2002
02/10/2013 - 01/30/2014

7, Horse

animal sign rat 01/30/1930 - 02/16/1931
02/15/1942 - 02/04/1943
02/03/1954 - 01/23/1955
01/21/1966 - 02/08/1967
02/07/1978 - 01/27/1979
01/27/1990 - 02/14/1991
02/12/2002 - 01/31/2003
01/31/2014 - 02/18/2015

8, Sheep (Goat)

animal sign rat 02/17/1931 - 02/05/1932
02/05/1943 - 01/24/1944
01/24/1955 - 02/11/1956
02/09/1967 - 01/29/1968
01/28/1979 - 02/15/1980
02/15/1991 - 02/03/1992
02/01/2003 - 01/21/2004
02/19/2015 - 02/07/2016

9, Monkey

animal sign rat 02/06/1932 - 01/25/1933
01/25/1944 - 02/12/1945
02/12/1956 - 01/30/1957
01/30/1968 - 02/16/1969
02/16/1980 - 02/04/1981
02/04/1992 - 01/22/1993
01/22/2004 - 02/08/2005
02/08/2016 - 01/27/2017

10, Rooster

animal sign rat 01/26/1933 - 02/13/1934
02/13/1945 - 02/01/1946
01/31/1957 - 02/17/1958
02/17/1969 - 02/05/1970
02/05/1981 - 01/24/1982
01/23/1993 - 02/09/1994
02/09/2005 - 01/28/2006
01/28/2017 - 02/15/2018

11, Dog

animal sign rat 02/14/1934 - 02/03/1935
02/02/1946 - 01/21/1947
02/18/1958 - 02/07/1959
02/06/1970 - 01/26/1971
01/25/1982 - 02/12/1983
02/10/1994 - 01/30/1995
01/29/2006 - 02/17/2007
02/16/2018 - 02/04/2019

12, Pig -- the last animal sign

animal sign pig 02/04/1935 - 01/23/1936
01/22/1947 - 02/09/1948
02/08/1959 - 01/27/1960
01/27/1971 - 02/14/1972
02/13/1983 - 02/01/1984
01/31/1995 - 02/18/1996
02/18/2007 - 02/06/2008
02/05/2019 - 01/24/2020


About Chinese Stamp
