We have compiled a list of 107 most popular English words into Chinese characters (or Chinese symbols) in a package. Here is the list:
air; always; ambition; angel; art; baby; balance; bear; beautiful;
beauty; believe; boy; breathe; brother; brotherhood; butterfly; change;
chaos; children; commitment; compassion; confidence; courage; crisis;
dance; daughter; desire; destiny; determination; devotion; discipline;
dog; dragon; dream; dreamer; earth; enjoy; eternity; faith; family;
father; fire; forever; forgiveness; freedom; friend; friendship; grace;
grandfather; grandmother; happiness; harmony; heart; heaven; honesty;
honor; hope; horse; independence; integrity; joy; karma; knowledge;
laugh; life; live; love; lover; loyalty; luck; monkey; moon; mother;
music; panda; passion; patience; peace; phoenix; power; pride; princess;
prosperity; rabbit; rat; respect; serenity; sister; son; soul; spirit;
strength; strong; success; sun; tattoo; tiger; together; tranquility;
trust; truth; warrior; water; wealth; welcome; wisdom; zen
All the Chinese characters are in images (png/gif, 300 dpi). Both the traditional and simplified forms of the Chinese characters are included. And the Chinese characters are in six different styles. View samples of the Chinese characters.
This package is intended for personal uses. If you need the Chinese characters for business uses, please order the business package (large images in 600 dpi).
Please order the package below. The price will be over $300 if you order each word separately. It is an excellent value.