Chinese characters


Magic Double Happiness Sticker

double happinessThe Chinese symbol for Double Happiness is indispensable for Chinese weddings. The magic double happiness sticker on the left is perfect for Chinese weddings.

There are eight stickers on the magic double happiness sticker (2 feet by 8.5 inches), including three large and five small stickers. The large sticker is about 7.5" by 7.5".

The double happiness stickers can be applied to any smooth surfaces, such as glass doors, mirror, windows, ceramic tiles in kitchen or bathrooms, home appliance, and cars. The stickers can be used repeatedly and they are environmental friendly. There will be no trace left when being peeled.

We provide free standard shipping in the United States. The magic sticker will be shipped in 1-3 days.

Magic Double Happiness Sticker



More info about double happiness

Chinese Double Happiness

Double Happiness Pendant

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