Chinese Idiom (proverb or word)
cai2 shi2 -- Ability and insight
cai2 zhi4 -- Ability and wisdom
cai2 zi3 jia1 ren2 -- Popular romance with a handsome scholar and pretty girl
chuan1 liu2 bu4 xi1 -- Flowing past in an endless stream
che1 dao4 shan1 qian2 bi4 you3 lu4 -- Things will eventually sort themselves out
chang2 xu1 duan3 tan4 -- Moan and groan
chang2 tu2 ba2 she4 -- Make the long trek
chang2 hua4 duan3 shuo1 -- To make a long story short
chang2 sheng1 bu4 lao3 -- Live forever and never grow old
cong2 rong2 bu4 po4 -- Take one's time
cong2 shan4 ru2 liu2 -- Readily accept good advice
cai2 zhi4 -- Ability and wisdom
cai2 zi3 jia1 ren2 -- Popular romance with a handsome scholar and pretty girl
chuan1 liu2 bu4 xi1 -- Flowing past in an endless stream
che1 dao4 shan1 qian2 bi4 you3 lu4 -- Things will eventually sort themselves out
chang2 xu1 duan3 tan4 -- Moan and groan
chang2 tu2 ba2 she4 -- Make the long trek
chang2 hua4 duan3 shuo1 -- To make a long story short
chang2 sheng1 bu4 lao3 -- Live forever and never grow old
cong2 rong2 bu4 po4 -- Take one's time
cong2 shan4 ru2 liu2 -- Readily accept good advice