Chinese Idiom (proverb or word)
ballyhoo -- Make a great fanfare
business -- Business with a small capital
beauty -- Beautiful and charming
boast -- Give an extravagantly colourful description
boundary -- The ends of the Earth
brotherliness -- Brotherliness
bloodcurdling -- Be horror-stricken with every hair erect
benevolence -- Mercy and justice
benevolent -- The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom
benefaction -- Return good for evil
business -- Business with a small capital
beauty -- Beautiful and charming
boast -- Give an extravagantly colourful description
boundary -- The ends of the Earth
brotherliness -- Brotherliness
bloodcurdling -- Be horror-stricken with every hair erect
benevolence -- Mercy and justice
benevolent -- The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom
benefaction -- Return good for evil