Chinese Idiom (proverb or word)
yi1 bai4 tu2 di4 -- Bite the ground
yi1 ban3 yi1 yan3 -- Scrupulous
yi1 ben3 wan4 li4 -- Make big profits with a small capital
yi1 ben3 zheng4 jing1 -- Solemnity
yi bi2 kong3 chu1 qi4 -- Sing the same tune
yi1 chang4 yi1 he4 -- Echo each other
yi1 chen2 bu4 ran3 -- Spotless
yi1 cheng2 bu4 bian4 -- Unalterable
yi1 chou2 mo4 zhan3 -- Can find no way out
yi1 chu4 ji2 fa1 -- On the verge of breaking out
yi1 chu4 ji2 kui4 -- Collapse at the first encounter
yi1 chui2 ding4 yin1 -- Give the final word
yi1 gu3 zuo4 qi4 -- At one fling
yi1jian4 ru2 gu4 -- Feel like old friends at the first meeting
yi1 jian4 shuang1 diao1 -- Kill two birds with one stone
yi1 ke4 qian1 jin1 -- Every minute is precious
yi1 kong3 zhi1 jian4 -- A narrow view
yi1 lao2 yong3 yi4 -- get something done once and for all
yi1 mai4 xiang1 cheng2 -- Come down in one continuous line
yi1 mao2 bu4 ba2 -- very stingy
yi1 mian4 zhi1 ci2 -- Statement of only one party
yi1 ming2 jing1 ren2 -- Make a great coup
yi1 nian4 zhi1 cha1 -- A momentary slip
yi1 nuo4 qian1 jin1 -- A promise that will be kept
yi1 qiao4 bu4 tong1 -- Know nothing about
yi1 shi4 tong2 ren2 -- Treat equally without discrimination
yi1 si1 bu4 gou3 -- Meticulosity
yi1 ta1 hu2 tu2 -- In a complete mess
yi1 wang3 qing2 shen1 -- Be passionately in love
yi1 wang3 wu2 qian2 -- Press forward with indomitable will
yi1 xiao4 zhi4 zhi1 -- Laugh off
yi1 xin1 yi1 yi4 -- Heart and soul
yi1 zhi4 qian1 jin1 -- spend money like water
yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4 -- All smooth sailling
yi1 jian4 zhong1 qing2 -- Fall in love at first sight
yu3 hu3 mou2 pi2 -- Doomed petition like asking a tiger for its hide
yu3 ren2 wei2 shan4 -- Aim at helping those criticized
yu3 ri4 ju4 zheng1 -- Multiply daily
yu3 shi4 chang2 ci2 -- Pass away
yu3 shi4 wu2 zheng1 -- Stand aloof from the world affairs
yu3 zhong4 bu4 tong2 -- Be different from others
yi4 zheng4 ci2 yan2 -- Speak with justice
yi4 fen4 tian2 ying1 -- Be filled with indignation
yi4 wu2 fan2 gu4 -- Honor permits no turning back
yun2 xiao1 wu4 san4 -- Vanish into thin air as clouds melt and mists disperse
you3 yi4 -- Friendship
yin3 er2 bu4 fa1 -- Draw the bow but not discharge the arrow
yin3 lang2 ru4 shi4 -- Open the door to a dangerous person
yin3 yi3 wei2 jie4 -- Learn a lesson
yi3 de2 bao4 yuan4 -- Return good for evil
yi3 du2 gong1 du2 -- Literally combat poison with poison
yi3 gong1 wei2 shou3 -- Attack as a means of defence
yi3 li3 fu2 ren2 -- Persuade through reasoning
yi3 shen1 zuo4 ze2 -- Set an example by one's own action
yu4 jie2 bing1 qing1 -- Be pure and noble
yi1 ban3 yi1 yan3 -- Scrupulous
yi1 ben3 wan4 li4 -- Make big profits with a small capital
yi1 ben3 zheng4 jing1 -- Solemnity
yi bi2 kong3 chu1 qi4 -- Sing the same tune
yi1 chang4 yi1 he4 -- Echo each other
yi1 chen2 bu4 ran3 -- Spotless
yi1 cheng2 bu4 bian4 -- Unalterable
yi1 chou2 mo4 zhan3 -- Can find no way out
yi1 chu4 ji2 fa1 -- On the verge of breaking out
yi1 chu4 ji2 kui4 -- Collapse at the first encounter
yi1 chui2 ding4 yin1 -- Give the final word
yi1 gu3 zuo4 qi4 -- At one fling
yi1jian4 ru2 gu4 -- Feel like old friends at the first meeting
yi1 jian4 shuang1 diao1 -- Kill two birds with one stone
yi1 ke4 qian1 jin1 -- Every minute is precious
yi1 kong3 zhi1 jian4 -- A narrow view
yi1 lao2 yong3 yi4 -- get something done once and for all
yi1 mai4 xiang1 cheng2 -- Come down in one continuous line
yi1 mao2 bu4 ba2 -- very stingy
yi1 mian4 zhi1 ci2 -- Statement of only one party
yi1 ming2 jing1 ren2 -- Make a great coup
yi1 nian4 zhi1 cha1 -- A momentary slip
yi1 nuo4 qian1 jin1 -- A promise that will be kept
yi1 qiao4 bu4 tong1 -- Know nothing about
yi1 shi4 tong2 ren2 -- Treat equally without discrimination
yi1 si1 bu4 gou3 -- Meticulosity
yi1 ta1 hu2 tu2 -- In a complete mess
yi1 wang3 qing2 shen1 -- Be passionately in love
yi1 wang3 wu2 qian2 -- Press forward with indomitable will
yi1 xiao4 zhi4 zhi1 -- Laugh off
yi1 xin1 yi1 yi4 -- Heart and soul
yi1 zhi4 qian1 jin1 -- spend money like water
yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4 -- All smooth sailling
yi1 jian4 zhong1 qing2 -- Fall in love at first sight
yu3 hu3 mou2 pi2 -- Doomed petition like asking a tiger for its hide
yu3 ren2 wei2 shan4 -- Aim at helping those criticized
yu3 ri4 ju4 zheng1 -- Multiply daily
yu3 shi4 chang2 ci2 -- Pass away
yu3 shi4 wu2 zheng1 -- Stand aloof from the world affairs
yu3 zhong4 bu4 tong2 -- Be different from others
yi4 zheng4 ci2 yan2 -- Speak with justice
yi4 fen4 tian2 ying1 -- Be filled with indignation
yi4 wu2 fan2 gu4 -- Honor permits no turning back
yun2 xiao1 wu4 san4 -- Vanish into thin air as clouds melt and mists disperse
you3 yi4 -- Friendship
yin3 er2 bu4 fa1 -- Draw the bow but not discharge the arrow
yin3 lang2 ru4 shi4 -- Open the door to a dangerous person
yin3 yi3 wei2 jie4 -- Learn a lesson
yi3 de2 bao4 yuan4 -- Return good for evil
yi3 du2 gong1 du2 -- Literally combat poison with poison
yi3 gong1 wei2 shou3 -- Attack as a means of defence
yi3 li3 fu2 ren2 -- Persuade through reasoning
yi3 shen1 zuo4 ze2 -- Set an example by one's own action
yu4 jie2 bing1 qing1 -- Be pure and noble